Religious Studies


The mission of the Religious Studies program is to acquaint students with the roles played by religion in human society and life. By helping students acquire an appreciative knowledge of diverse religious traditions and offering them a context for self-conscious reflection on their own worldviews, 宗教研究课程使他们变得见多识广, reflective, 是“地球村”负责任的公民.”

辅修课程向学生介绍广泛的学科视角, including history, philosophy, literary studies, sociology, psychology, art history, and gender studies. In this way, Religious Studies curriculum provides an intellectual arena for exploring the fascinatingly complex world of religion in ways that are directly relevant to students’ academic, personal, and professional interests. The broad liberal arts education and critical thinking and communications skills that students acquire by completing Religious Studies minor effectively prepare them for careers in health care, education, government, social work, 国际商务与事务, ministry, and law.

有关宗教研究课程的更多资讯,请浏览 Course Catalog.

Religious Studies Snapshot

Beyond the Classroom

宗教研究课程的学生有很多机会在会议上展示他们的工作, an invaluable experience for those who wish to pursue careers in academia or other professions that require communication and public presentation skills. This includes, recently, 匹兹堡地区大学生联合研究会议和美国宗教学会, 东部国际区. Our students also benefit from site visits to religious communities and places of worship throughout the Pittsburgh region.